torsdag 26. januar 2012

Just another Espresso picture

I've been an owner of an Espresso for 2 whole days now. Not much have been done yet. I'm now traveling to a warmer place for a few days. In the mean time Kjell Sture will start to put the radio gear in it. He will have quite a few slopers to prepair for this season, including a Stinger and a Freestyler.


tirsdag 24. januar 2012

A strong Espresso

Yesterday I had a new experience. I actually went to the post office to pick up a parcel, which contained MY first fully moulded glider! Usually it's Kjell Sture that gets the huge parcels, so I think he was a bit jealous. He was very eager to help me unpack. The glider is a 2-meter sloperacer, with carbon wings. Espresso is the name. I love the coffee-name! Nice colors too, red, white and blue. The colors of the Norwegian flag. By the way you won't get any technical details from me. How heavy this and that is, how stiff...I really don't care. I just want to fly the glider :)

I'm planning to participate in my first F3F competition in Norway this year. So I had to purchase something I could use in the competition. The choice was between a 2-meter or a 3-meter, I landed on a 2-meter. And the reasen is that I'm realistic. This will be my first F3F season, and I can't expect that it will be unharmed through the whole year. So maybe it won't hurt so much (in my wallet) when it happens...maybe...  Luckily for me Kjell Sture is a master in repairs.

Here are some pictures from the unpacking. More pictures will come.


søndag 22. januar 2012

Freezingly cold flight

Since the weather was so beautiful, we drove to Finnvikdalen today as well. The thermometer showed -12 degrees C! If anyone had told me 5 years ago that I would stand outside in -12 degrees C flying my RC model airplane, I'd laugh and crawl deeper under my blanket with my book. But here I am with Kjell Sture, outside in -12, with my model airplane and enjoying myself.

I had brought my Merlin today. It's been a long time since I flew it, but it went really well. Good flight conditions, calm air, but I had to land after 4-5 minutes because of the cold. Kjell Sture flew his Tri-Copter with FPV equipment. I had to guide him about height and distance, and on the landing. Distance measuring is not my best skill, but it went well, nothing was broken.


Finally the sun was back in Tromsø.

After spendig the last couple of months in almost complete darkness the sun finally appeared again yesterday. We of course had to spend the time flying! We went to Finnvikdalen were the tempereature was close to -6 degrees C. Annette flew her EasyGlider electric in heavy turbulence, which the ballasted Easyglider seemed to handle surprisingly well. After around 5 minutes of flying she had to land because of cold fingers.

I tested my new heavy lift hexa copter outside for the first time. The AQ50D Pro flight controller was amazingly stable and the hexa handeled the turbulence a lot better than any other controller I`ve tried.
(Mainly KK and Multiwii). I also got to try out the Jakub gimbal with a Gopro mounted. I`m not sure if I`m happy with this gimbal... But, I need to spend some more time adjusting it. The good thing was that there was very little vibration "jello"

Kjell Sture.